Firefly Rain News

Once upon a time, I published a novel called Firefly Rain. It was my first original novel – I’d published four previously as tie-ins to a couple of White Wolf games – and I was and am very proud of it. It came out as the lead title for the short-lived Discoveries line from Wizards of the Coast, and garnered some good reviews, most notably a starred review in Publishers’ Weekly and a Booksense pick. It even sold reasonably well, but Wizards shut down Discoveries before we could do a paperback edition. Gallery Books was kind enough to pick up the rights for a paperback edition, and that was that.

Until now.

As of today, I have the rights to Firefly Rain back. With luck, that means I’ll be doing something with those rights and putting out a new edition. I don’t have a timetable, but for the first time in a long time, it feels like things are moving in a good direction.

Like I said, I’m proud of the book. It’s a personal story about the promises one makes to family and the price of not keeping those promises. If you’re looking for blood and guts, you’re not going to find them here, but if you want a slow-burn ghost story, you might enjoy it. The book was inspired by a trip to my ex-wife’s family farm and a moonlight walk, where the line of shadow at the property line was sharp enough to cut with. From there I got the image of a farm bereft of fireflies when all the land around was lit up, and that turned into the novel.

So wish me luck. I’ll keep you posted.

Licking Roadkill at Pseudopod

I am very happy to announce that my Thanksgiving werewolf story, “Licking Roadkill”, is up for your listening and reading pleasure thanks to the fine folks at PseudoPod. Check it out here!

Ghost of a Marriage Arrives!

The book’s not due out until February, but guess what showed up on my doorstep the other day? That’s right, it’s Ghost of a Marriage. I am thrilled to death, and very much appreciate the kind folks at Crossroad Press who made this happen.

If you want to get your hands on it, too, you can pre-order it here.

The Jewish Book of Horror

I am very happy to announce that I have a story in The Jewish Book of Horror, coming this holiday season from the Denver Horror Collective. My story, “On Seas of Blood and Salt”, features the Rabbi Palache character from my story in The New Hero, so if you’re up for some magical pirate rabbi action, this is the story for you. You can find out more about the book here. Hope you enjoy it!

Storytime at PseudoPod

I’m very happy to announce that my story “Unhaunted House” is up and available for listening at PseudoPod. The fine folks there do a wonderful job of picking horror fiction for your listening pleasure, and I’m honored they’ve selected a story of mine for the third, yes, third time. So give if a listen – it’s a short one – and then look very carefully at your lawn before you mow it again.