Necon – This Year and Next

I just got back from an utterly fantastic time at Necon, held this year in Goffstown, NH. I saw old friends and made new ones, did a panel with luminaries like S.A. Cosby and Clay McLeod Chapman, hung out with the remarkable Gabino Iglesias, ran the improvisational writing game show Write Club to thunderous approval, shared good scotch with good folks, sold a bunch of books and bought a few as well, got some fabulous advice on my writing, and generally had a wonderful time.

Also, I got named Toastmaster for Necon 43 next year!

See you there!

Ghost of a Marriage Arrives!

The book’s not due out until February, but guess what showed up on my doorstep the other day? That’s right, it’s Ghost of a Marriage. I am thrilled to death, and very much appreciate the kind folks at Crossroad Press who made this happen.

If you want to get your hands on it, too, you can pre-order it here.

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is a day of reflection. You’re supposed to spend the day thinking about the wrongs you’ve done over the past year, and trying to find ways to be better.

This year, I didn’t go to synagogue, for reasons that are long and boring and ultimately unimportant. As my niece Paige puts it, you can talk to God as easily in a forest as in a synagogue. Well, maybe she doesn’t put it quite that way, but the sentiment was there.

Instead, I spent the day at home in contemplation. There was a lot to consider – moments when I was less than kind, when I was  jealous of friends’ success, when I didn’t reach out to help when I could have. Hopefully I will do better in the coming year.

And one of the things I vowed to do was be a better writer. Whatever you think of my writing, I like to feel I have been given a gift, and I have spent too much time squandering it. This year, I hope to truly earn the title “writer”. I’ve already cranked out one story, but that’s just a start. Here’s to a year of better writing, and of being a better person for it.